
Why it’s good to talk about the future of the ABF portal

Date 15th September 2016 //
Author Steve Pope
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Alternative Business Funding is always looking to enhance the portal and improve communications with our funding partners.

With that in mind, Mark Johnson, Associate Director Business Development, is hosting a pilot project to expand the relationship with funders and build a forum for discussion and feedback as we continue to move the portal forward.

We spoke to Mark about the initial positive reaction to his face-to-face meetings as the pilot project gathers pace.

Q: What is the next stage of the development of the Alternative Business Funding portal?
A: We have begun a series of meetings with our partners to go through a proposed new matrix questionnaire.

Q: What has been the initial reaction in those initial meetings?
A: There has been some good feedback, both positive and constructive about how the matrix should look and perform.

Q: It has been a month since the latest funders joined the portal. How do our partners think the portal is performing?
A: All of the members I have seen so far have said they are receiving more traffic from the ABF platform they any other they are involved with.

Q: We are pushing ahead with developing and enhancing the portal irrespective of the outcome of the designated status process, how has that gone down?
A: Those that I have talked to are pleased the platform is being developed further even though we do not know the outcome of the EOI process which shows commitment to our goal.

Q: Has the feedback highlighted particular advantages and functionality of the portal?
A: Funders like the idea of having choice when the opportunities are shown, which helps them manage their pipeline. The idea that Funders will be able to alter their own matrix in line with trends in their lending has also gone down well. They also back the decision that the site will retain its simplicity and will remain anonymous.

Q: How are you looking to improve interaction between our funding partners and the sharing of information about the development of the portal.
A: Holding a presentation to explain the changes moving forward has been welcomed as an excellent idea. Many of the lenders don’t really know each other, with the majority only aware of their competitors which is usually sector specific.

Alternative business funding, traffic light, icon

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