
abf reply...

It is likely that you can’t register because your e-mail has been used to register previously. Click here to go directly to your log-in page.

You can either sign in here or set a new password by using the ‘Forgotten password?’ prompt.

If this isn’t the case and you have haven’t registered on the platform previously, please contact our service team at or call the team on 0800 027 7065

abf reply...

Alternative Business Funding allows SME business owners to identify which funders are best placed to assist you with your funding needs. After registering your business and answering some simple questions, about your funding requirement and your business, the platform matches this information against over 140 products and the platform uses a simple traffic light system to display the results. 

abf reply...

Getting the correct information from you helps us obtain the best matches possible. To enable us to do this we will need to confirm your business information which we will keep private. Setting up an account on the platform allows you to come in and out as you please, check on the status of any of your enquiries and change your contact information if you’d like. 

abf reply...

You can register on our registration page, alternatively you can talk to one of our service team who can register on your behalf.

abf reply...

The platform is simple and none of the questions will require you to get information that you wouldn’t have to hand. Usually this process takes between 5-10 minutes.

abf reply...

Alternative Business Funding do not make any charges to business owners for identifying potential funders or assisting in the journey in any way.  Instead we get paid by the funder if, and when, funds are draw down.  This means that you, the business owner, are only having to discuss costs with the funder and also that we only get paid if you and your business are successfully funded.

abf reply...

Personal guarantees are often required, or preferred, in a wide range of funding scenarios from bank loans to invoice finance facilities. Put simply, giving a personal guarantee means you as a business owner or director will be held personally liable if the business can’t pay what it owes, therefore allowing the funder to pursue you personally if your company defaults on its loan.

As well as minimising risk to the lender, a personal guarantee is a strong indicator that you have confidence in your business and are willing to take on some personal risk. While this may seem a daunting prospect, in some cases it can mean the difference between the success and failure of your finance application.

abf reply...

Alternative Business Funding is a completely free to use service, designated by HM Treasury, to help business owners find funders that match their needs.

abf reply...

Alternative Business Funding uses a simple traffic light system throughout the site to clearly show how many of our funders might be able to assist based on the information you have provided. As you answer the questions you will see the traffic lights change based on the number of product matches, and therefore options, that are available to you. These will be shown in Green and Amber. 

Alternative business funding, traffic light, icon

Find your business

Enter a funding amount between £500 and £50,000,000.
Please indicate what you need the funding for.
  • Completely free to use
  • Over 140 funding choices
  • Approved by HM Treasury & British Business Bank
  • Funds of £500 to £50 million available